
What is biodiesel?

簡介—— What is biodiesel?Biodiesel can be used as a fuel for boilers, turbines, diesel engines, etc., and i...

  • 1-500TPD動植物油料制生物柴油

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What is biodiesel?


Biodiesel can be used as a fuel for boilers, turbines, diesel engines, etc., and industrially, mainly fatty acid methyl esters. In general, biodiesel is a kind of high-quality clean diesel that can be extracted from various biomasses. Therefore, it can be said that it is an inexhaustible source of energy. In today's increasingly depleted resources, it is expected to replace Petrochemical diesel as an alternative fuel.

Our core innovative technology of biodiesel attain domestic leading level. We create scale continuous precedent of domestic biodiesel production and lead the development of the biodiesel industry.The process of bio-diesel includes four steps:

The whole process is closed-circuit circulation.We make sure the comprehensive utilization of raw materials and cleaner production. Roughly described as follows:

Raw material pretreatment (dehydration, deodorization, purification )-----the reaction kettle (methyl ester+ alcohol catalyst + 70℃) -----stirring reaction N hours----precipitation separation line of mixed alcohol----methyl distillation

---recovery of alcohol----methyl ester distillation----finished product.


KINGDO can process: different seed oil such as soybean oil, palm oil, cottonseed oil and etc. brown grease, used cooking oil, waste food oil, waste energy oil, animal fat and etc.

KINGDO can undertake: from 100kg/h to 200TPD biodiesel making turnkey project

KINGDO can service: consulting, designing, research, price offer, manufacturing, installation, debugging, training


聯系電(dian)話(hua):15617916515(方總)  電(dian)話(hua):0371-86561189

傳真(zhen):0371-86561186  郵箱:info@kingdoind.com  地址:河南省鄭州(zhou)市高新區億(yi)達科技新城55號樓



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